Trip Journal

Trip Journal

While studying abroad, I made an effort to journal as much as I could. However, I found myself listing the same sorts of details. I also found that the added bulk of a journal was not conducive to the pesky budget airline packing restrictions. Finding nothing out there, I had the inspiration for a mobile journal app.

While studying abroad I made an effort to journal as much as a I could. However, I found myself listing the same sorts of details. I also found that the added bulk of a journal was not conducive to the pesky budget airline packing restrictions. Finding nothing out there, I had the inspiration for a mobile journal app.


Home base: Here, you can preview all of your documented trips, dates and have the option to add a new trip or reveal the details of preexisting ones.

Travel on! Add your newest trips. Maybe you just had a stopover somewhere. A couple of hours where you explored but didn't have a full blow "trip." That's great too! Add a location to the map, so you don't forget. You can always come back later and fill in those details.


When expanded, you view the "Snapshot" of the trip. These are all of the fields that I found myself recording on each trip I went on. These are the details that I did not want to forget and wanted to keep in mind for later.

However, there is no shortage of personalization. Here, you can document your personal notes just as you would in your journal—no need to mention all of the logistical details on the flip side. Run free with all of the details of your trip.


Get some perspective, and take a look at the map view. A digital example of the popular "scratch off" maps, you can travel the world without the mess.

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